

講題: 構建智慧網路:架構創新與人工智慧驅動優化的觀點
(Building Intelligent Networks: Perspectives from Architectural Innovation and AI-Driven Optimization)
演講者: 陳永昇教授/台北教育大學資訊科學系
地點:理工二館三樓第四講堂 (A307)
The network is an indispensable tool in modern information society. How to build intelligent networks to enhance transmission performance, strengthen network security, and optimize network throughput has become a critical research topic. This talk will explore developments in these areas of network technology through several research case studies, focusing on architectural innovations and the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. Among the numerous research topics, this talk will focus on a few key directions: from the perspective of network architecture, it will explore the applications and developments of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Named Data Networking (NDN); from the perspective of performance optimization, it will discuss how AI technologies can be leveraged to enhance network security and maximize network throughput.

網路是現代資訊社會中不可或缺的重要工具,如何建構智慧型網路,來提升網路傳輸效能(Transmission Performance),強化網路安全與優化網路的產能(Throughput),是當前研究上很重要的議題。本演講將從架構創新與人工智慧(AI)技術的應用出發,以一些研究案例來探討網路技術在這些方面的一些發展。相關研究議題眾多,我們將聚焦討論其中幾個重要的主題:在網路架構方面,主要將介紹軟體定義網路(SDN)與命名資料網路(NDN)的運用與發展;在效能優化方面,則探討如何運用AI技術來強化網路安全性及提升網路產能。

學年度: 113